Hej Stylus!

Hej Stylus!
  • V3 is the first global pen stabilizer application for macOS. The latest updates: Fresh Ruler Tools and the Perspective Tools for drawing ISO, 1 - 2 and 3 Vanishing Point Perspectives.
  • Is a control system for your graphic tablets pen, mouse or other input method. It gives you control over the smoothness of your lines – damp out little irregularities up to using Hej Stylus! Its pressure-control system lets you define pressure control curves has pressure smoothing and buffering.
  • V3 is the first global pen stabilizer application for mac. It’s capable of smoothing out position, pressure, tilt and rotational values. It also maps pressure and stabilizes line drawing with the ruler tool. We have asked the team of the Lollypop to use Hej Stylus and share its pros and cons which are as follows.

Operating system: macOS 10.15.6
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2 GB
Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB
Wacom Tablet, Intros Pro, or Cintiq 24 HD f.i.


Broken: Version 2.91.0 2020-10-25

Eilert from Hej Stylus! writing. Hej Stylus! is a tool that smoothes tablet output amongst other features.
Hej Stylus! pulls live tablet event data and re-infuses altered events back into the macOS event stream using:

V3 is the first global pen stabilizer application for macOS. The latest updates: Fresh Ruler Tools and the Perspective Tools for drawing ISO, 1 - 2 and 3 Vanishing Point Perspectives. How to run Hej Stylus! In free mode?http://Hejstylus.com.

Hej Stylus Tutorial

CGEvent.tapCreate(tap: .cgSessionEventTap,

Hej Stylus For Windows

Using any of Hej Stylus!' position smoothing algos creates cursor issues in blender - on tablet use only. Mouse is not affected.
Using Tablet devices causes blender to 'use' both events - although Hej Stylus! is overwriting the tablet events.
We do wonder if you use any functions that force blender to process information directly from a hardware i/O source of some sorts.
Maybe blender also creates events by itself ..
We hope that you might shed some light on how you process incoming events from tablet devices so that we can find a workaround.

Hej Stylus Or Photoshop Smoothing

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
1.) To test this issue goto: hejstylus.com and grab the latest version.
2.) Use a graphics tablet
3.) Use a smoothing algorithm (as seen in screenshot)
4.) Draw some annotations with blenders annotation tool f.i.

Hej Stylus Ipad

Hej stylus or photoshop smoothing

Hej Stylus Free

positionalIssues.blend922 KBDownload