Phpstorm Wordpress

Phpstorm wordpress development

  1. Phpstorm Wordpress
  2. Phpstorm Wordpress Development
  3. Phpstorm Wordpress Tutorial

PhpStorm is the best PHP IDE available and you should use it. If you don’t agree stop reading. Did you stop reading? No? Good, then you aren’t a dumbass let’s get started.

Since WordPress ‘template tags’ are just PHP functions, PhpStorm can make working with WordPress fast and efficient. Now PHPStorm features WordPress specific settings for code styling and an intelligent WordPress API for autocomplete while coding. Dec 09, 2020 PhpStorm comes packed with very neat WordPress support which makes using PhpStorm for WordPress theme, plugin, and site development even easier. A complete rundown of the new WordPress features can be found here. PhpStorm recognizes a WordPress related project and will ask you to point it in the direction of your installation path. Overview JetBrains PhpStorm is a commercial PHP IDE that can be configured to work with WordPress sites, allowing users to easily build and maintain custom plugins. This doc will set you up with a local environment in PhpStorm to create your custom plugins and themes. For detailed information, see WordPress Development using PhpStorm.

This tutorial explains how to setup PhpStorm to work on WordPress Plugins (and Themes).

Target audience: Intermediate to advanced.

UPDATE (2014-03-21): PhpStorm 8 (and up) supports WordPress development out of the box. Check it out!

This tutorial will not show you how to use PhpStorm. I assume you are already using PhpStorm or want to learn and will do so on your own. This tutorial will not show you how to develop for WordPress. Yes, WP sucks and is ass-backwards PHP. Or yes, WP is amazing and powers ~20% of the web. For whatever reasons, you are here for this info.

Benefits of this type setup:

Phpstorm Wordpress

  • Automatic code completion, code navigation, PhpStorm’s kitchen sink.
  • Ability to mix version control systems (Git, SVN, Perforce, CVS, …) and sources (GitHub, SourceForge, Codebase,, … )
  • Work on multiple plugins (and themes) at the same time for the same project.

I’m a developer at This is my project setup:

Secrets of mind power harry lorayne pdf download. This structure makes up the bulk of PressBooks dot com, that is:

  • WordPress 3.5.x (Subversion)
  • PressBooks (GitHub)
  • The front page of PressBooks dot com (a private theme, hosted at Codebase)
  • Internal stats dashboard (a private plugin, hosted at Codebase)


  • LAMP on localhost or LAMP on VM with mapped folders. (If this doesn’t mean anything to you then stop reading and come back when it does, young padawan)
  • PhpStorm -> Quick Start -> Open Directory
  • PhpStorm -> File -> Settings


Under Project Settings, select Directories. Add each content root that makes up your WordPress project.


Under Project Settings, select Deployment. Click the green +. Create a deployment profile of type “Local or Mounted Folder”. I named mine: TextoPress. Rename accordingly. Remember this renaming for the Install section that will come later. Select the Connection tab. Change “Folder” to: the root path of your WordPress site. Change “Web server root URL” to: the root URL of your WordPress site.

Select the Mappings Clownfish voice changer for discord mac. tab.

Phpstorm wordpress development
  • Map WordPress to: /
  • Map Plugins to: wp-content/plugins/__PLUGIN_NAME__
  • Map Themes to : wp-content/themes/__THEME_NAME__

Replace __PLUGIN_NAME__ and __THEME_NAME__ accordingly. Filmora registration key 7.8 9. Click on the above screenshot and squint for more details.

Under Project Settings, select Deployment -> Options. Change “Upload changed files automatically to the default server” to: Always. Change “Upload external changes” to: true.

Version Control

Under Project Settings, select Version Control. Add your VCS repositories.


Apply changes. Right click on your project. Select “Upload to TextoPress” (Don’t see TextoPress? Exactly. Re-read the Deployment section above…) Navigate to your web server root URL. Install WordPress using the Famous 5-Minute Install. Eventually:

Phpstorm Wordpress Development


  • You are editing a copy of the code, not the deployed code. If something seems weird always start by doing “Upload to TextoPress” which from here on in will be known as “Did you plug it in?”
  • You can add and remove plugins (and themes) as you feel like. Rinse and repeat the instructions above until you get the hang of it.

Phpstorm Wordpress Tutorial

Code is poetry. Bad, wince-worthy poetry.