Wps Office Autocorrect

On the “Word Options” dialog box, click “Proofing” in the list of items on the left. In the “AutoCorrect options” section, click the “AutoCorrect Options” button. On the “AutoCorrect” dialog box, click the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab. I understand that Kingsoft/WPS is a Chinese work and purportedly has been adopted by parts of their government, among some 300 million other users, according to one Wiki article. If it is risky, I'm prepared to restore the drive with an clean drive image preceding the download & installation of officefree2013.exe. 2)Open one of 'Open Office's' programms (Such as Word Processor). 3)Go to 'Tools'- Extension Manager 4)Click 'Add' 5)Locate the.oxt file you downloaded earlier. (it might ask u to 'accept' it. Just do so) 6) Close the Extension Manager and hit F7 to run a spell-check. Select 'Greek' in the top rolldown button. It should be available now.

Microsoft Office Word 2016


Some fractions (1/4, 1/2, and 3/4) automatically switch to a fraction character when you type them (¼, ½, ¾). But others do not (1/3, 2/3, 1/5, etc.).

  1. To switch to a fraction character, click Insert > Symbols > More Symbols.
  2. In the Subset drop-down list, click Number Forms and select a fraction.
  3. Click Insert > Close.


  • To find additional mathematical symbols, click AutoCorrect at the bottom of the Symbol dialog box. Click the Math AutoCorrect tab to see a list of keyboard shortcuts you can type into your document to insert math symbols. Be sure to select the Replace text as you type check box. Depending on where you are in the document, you may need to select the Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions option.

Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013:

  1. Place the cursor on the document where you would like to insert a fraction.
  2. Click on Equation in the upper right.
  3. Select fraction under the Equation Tools option
  4. Choose which style fraction you want.
  5. Insert the numbers into the fraction boxes.

Microsoft Office 2007:

  1. Go to the 'View' menu tab in MS Word and select 'Toolbars' then 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar'.
  2. Under 'Choose Commands from' select 'All Commands' from the dropdown menu. Select 'Equation Editor'.
  3. Drag it and drop it on any place on a toolbar.
  4. Select your desired fraction type from the resulting drop-down menu. An equation box will appear where your cursor is.
  5. Type in your desired denominator and numerator in the equation box. Click outside of the box when finished.
I have gone into Tools > AutoCorrect Options > Options tab

Wps Office Autocorrect

and unchecked Capitalize first letter of every sentenceWps office turn off autocorrect.
That didn't work.
So I went into Tools > Options > Language Settings > Writing Aids and unchecked Check capitalization.
That also didn't work.
I don't understand what the problem is here. If I uncheck either or both of these - and really all of this should be under one option alone, no one should have to go hunting in several places - then it should do what I tell it to do.
I realize that this is a volunteer thing and that's fine. Still though, it is very frustrating when you have the same types of options spread out all over the place and you still can't get it to do what you want.

Wps Office Turn Off Autocorrect

Okay, so how do I reallyOffice turn it off? I'm in calc and it is imperative that it stops trying to capitalize everything. I also need a way to turn the feature on and off easily and quickly without jumping through hoops because obviously there will be documents and spreadsheets where it is needed.
OO 3.1.1 on XP home SP3